Home Paternity DNA Test
Home Paternity DNA Test
from $149.00
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Home Aunt - Uncle (Avuncular) DNA Test
from $199.00
Home Sibling DNA Test
from $199.00
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Home Grandparent DNA Test
from $199.00
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Home Twin Zygosity DNA Test
from $199.00
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Home Paternal Lineage (Y-STR)
from $199.00
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Home DNA Profile
Forensic Paternity DNA Testing - Blood and Special Samples
Forensic Paternity DNA Test
from $259.00
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Advanced Infidelity DNA Test
from $299.00
Complete Advanced Infidelity DNA Test
from $399.00
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Simple Infidelity Test
from $249.00
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Legal Paternity DNA Test
from $299.00
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Legal Twin Zygosity DNA Test
from $299.00
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Legal Sibling DNA Test
from $299.00
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Legal Grandparent DNA Test
from $299.00
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Legal Aunt - Uncle (Avuncular) DNA Test
from $299.00
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Legal DNA Profile Test
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Legal Paternal Lineage (Y-STR)
from $349.00
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Additional Kit/Split Kit
from $25.00
Hard Copy of the DNA Report
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GPS Origins Ancestry
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Custom Infidelity DNA Test
from $250.00
Infidelity Semen Detection Stand-Alone Test
from $125.00
Infidelity Saliva Detection Stand-Alone Test
from $125.00
Forensic Paternity DNA Testing - Blood and Special Samples (Copy)
Forensic Grandparent DNA Test
from $299.00
Forensic Sample Return
from $45.00
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Food and Pet Sensitivity
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Healthy Weight Genetic Testing
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Skin Care
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Sibling Test - Add Shipping or Participant
from $25.00
Custom Advanced Infidelity Test - 18289 Continued Testing
from $354.00
Forensic Paternity DNA Testing - Blood and Special Samples (Copy)
Forensic Sibling DNA Test
from $299.00
Forensic Paternity DNA Testing - Blood and Special Samples (Copy) (Copy)
Forensic Avuncular (Aunt/Uncle) DNA Test
from $299.00
Advanced Infidelity Test - Continued Testing VG18000 - 408541
Advanced Infidelity Test - Continued Testing VG18339-440023
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