Legal Grandparent DNA Test

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Missing parent DNA Testing 001.jpg
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Legal Grandparent DNA Test

from $299.00

Legal Grandparent DNA Test includes:

  • Easy to follow instructions,

  • 2 sterile buccal collection swabs per person,

  • Sample envelopes for each person involved,

  • Consent form (must be filled out and signed in full),

  • Prepaid return label to our laboratory.

Include Mother?:
Order Kit

To be considered legal this test must be shipped to and handled only by an uninterested and unrelated 3rd party. 

If the child in question is male and the male grandparent on the fathers' side of the family is being tested we suggest doing a Y-STR paternal lineage test instead of a grandparent test for increased accuracy. The Y-STR Test can be found here.

Our standard Legal Grandparent 2 Person DNA testing kit includes testing for:

  • 1 Child

  • 1 Grandparent

    • We always include a known parent in our Grandparent DNA Testing at no extra cost. We strongly encourage the inclusion of a known parent to increase the accuracy of the results.

For any DNA test to be considered Court Admissible it must be shipped to and handled only by an uninterested and unrelated 3rd party. This 3rd party will take responsibility for collecting the samples, verifying the identity of the participants, and returning the samples to our lab. This can be a lawyer, doctor, nurse, or someone with no interest in the results of the test. Detailed instructions can be seen here.

Our laboratory is fully accredited and ISO certified and we test for 22 STR loci and gender ID markers to ensure the highest quality and accuracy of all DNA results.

Results will be ready in as little as 2 days after our lab has received the samples.

*We mail our testing kits in discreet unmarked envelopes and may not appear as pictured.

Please Note: Due to New York health regulations DNA samples cannot be collected and tests cannot be mailed from inside the State of New York. Click here for Details