Complete Advanced Infidelity DNA Test | Validity Genetics - DNA and Paternity Testing Services

Complete Advanced Infidelity DNA Test

Complete Infidelity DNA Testing - Private, Accurate, Confidential Results

Complete Advanced Infidelity Test

Do you suspect your spouse of cheating? Have you found suspicious items around the house that don’t belong to you or anyone in your family? An errant undergarment, extra toothbrush, stain on a shirt or bed sheets?

Infidelity can be difficult to prove, but if you need confirmation of evidence for yourself or others, forensic DNA testing is the best way to do so. Our advanced tests work for both male and females, so every philandering girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, or wife can be tested for.

If you need an accurate, fast, and private test for infidelity, this advanced DNA test is for you.

Please see out Infidelity Test Results Page for more detailed information on what to expect from an infidelity test.

The Complete Advanced Infidelity DNA Test is a combination of a multiple gender or Autosomal test and a Semen Detection Test performed on all collected Special Samples (not on comparison swabs/samples). This will compile all DNA profiles, compare all samples against one another and determine whether the found genetic material belongs to a male, female, or a mix of both.

The complete process is broken down into these steps:

  1. Identify if there is any existing human DNA on the suspected sample or stain.

  2. If human DNA is found, we will attempt to build DNA profiles. These will be displayed on the report.

  3. Distinguish whether the DNA profile(s) found are male, female, or a mix of both.

  4. Our analysts will compare all DNA found to a reference swab you submit to match or eliminate your DNA from the equation. If provided, we will match your partners DNA reference swab and indicate if it is found in the sample or stain. These samples can be Special Samples.

  5. All Special Samples (not comparison swabs/comparison Special Samples) will be tested for the presence of Semen.

When all the testing is done, Validity Genetics will generate a report containing a write up stating if DNA was detected, show the DNA profiles found, if there was a match or non-match between the reference swab and sample(s) submitted, and indicate if semen was found on the Special Samples.

For more info and examples click here.

What To Do After Ordering Your Test

After ordering you will be contacted by a Validity Genetics representative with additional instructions and the address to send your samples to. Additionally, depending on how many comparison samples you need, a DNA Sample Collection Kit will be mailed to you in order to collect the DNA comparison swab(s) used to test against the Special Sample. Simply follow the instructions in the kit to gather the DNA.

If you already have your comparison samples, place each persons samples in their own envelope (please do not use a plastic or zip-lock bag or mix the samples) labeled with order #, name of person (if applicable), date of collection, and include them with your Special Sample.

You will need to send the Special Sample(s) to our laboratory on your own. Depending on what the Special Sample is we recommend placing it inside a paper bag or envelope, please do not place inside a plastic zip-lock bag. On the outside of the bag/envelope please label the following:

  • the order number (this will be on your order confirmation),

  • a brief description of the item,

  • date of the collection,

  • approximate age of the sample.

For more information on gathering, packing, and labeling Special Samples Click Here

The Special Samples should all be placed inside a box or mailer envelope (plastic is fine) and sent to our laboratory. We highly recommend using a tracked shipping service.

The address to send the Special Sample to is:

Validity Genetics DNA

6955 N Mesa St #109,

El Paso, TX 79912

Forensic or Special Samples in Infidelity Testing

What types of items can I use for sample collection?

The most common and helpful sources of a DNA test include things that can help prove a claim of adultery. These include samples like:

  • Used condom

  • Toothbrush

  • Feminine hygiene pads

  • Blood

  • Stained Sheets

  • Underwear and other clothing

  • Hair

This is not a complete list of sample sources.

Click here for more examples of samples used for DNA testing.

Other samples that might contain DNA include things like gum, dental floss, toothpicks, nail clippings, clothing, head coverings (like hats or bandanas), or any other items from which an expert can extract DNA. Contact us to make sure your sample can be used. An additional fee may be required based upon the type of sample submitted.

Click here for information on how to collect Forensic Samples for Infidelity DNA Tests.

Special note about old or degraded DNA samples

Is there an old article of clothing, hairs, or other object you swear aren't yours or your partners? Maybe you hid it somewhere and were planning to use it to confront them.  Send it to us to test!

Ultraviolet light, extreme temperature and moisture are the primary destructive agents that lead to the degradation of DNA molecules. But, even if it has been a while since you found a suspicious object, degraded samples may still be useful. Because infidelity testing does not require a detailed profile workup, it’s possible that degraded samples can also be used to make infidelity determinations.  

Have a question about a sample? Contact us!

Infidelity DNA Testing: Frequently Asked Questions

What will the infidelity DNA test results show?

While performing our Simple Infidelity Test, Advanced Infidelity DNA Test or Complete Advanced Infidelity DNA Test, our experts will determine if the sample is in fact human, sometimes the material you find may not be human at all. It might be a leftover food stain, or a sample left by an animal or other pet. If the sample is human, the test will show the gender(s) in the sample, and the Advanced and Complete Infidelity Tests include a comparison against your sample(s) of DNA provided. For examples of infidelity test results click here.

Semen and Saliva Detection Tests will only show if the respective fluid is present. It will not generate a DNA report with the sex or genetic make up of the sample, if detected.


Of course! Our team of DNA professionals are here to listen to your needs and help you decide on what is best for you. We have multiple ways for you to get a hold of us. Send us an email from our Contact Us page, chat with a specialist on our Facebook Page via Messenger, or give us a call!


Validity Genetics has the fastest industry leading turnaround time. Our Infidelity DNA Test results are usually finished and sent out to our clients between 5-7 business days.


All of our home and infidelity DNA tests are done to the same standards as our legal DNA relationship tests. Our tests are performed by our fully CAP, A2LA accredited and ISO 17025/9001 certified laboratory partner. All paternity and family DNA testing services follow strict and validated procedures for processing samples to guarantee the highest degree of accuracy. The testing process looks for 23 genetic markers ensuring you receive 99.99% accurate test results.