Informational (Home) Vs. Legal DNA Testing

EasyHomeDNA Legal DNA Paternity Testing

Legal DNA Tests

Legal, or Court Admissible DNA test results are required for clients who need to provide proof of family relationship for legal issues including: trusts and estate planning, child custody, child support, parental rights, paternity, etc.

Legal relationship testing requires that all tested parties have their DNA samples collected by an unrelated third party with no interest in the outcome of the testing. Collectors can be attorneys, pastors, coworkers, medical professionals, etc.

Legal tests also require a strict chain of custody that must be maintained throughout the sample collection and testing process.

Home (Informational) DNA Testing

Home tests, also known as private, peace of mind DNA tests, or informational, do not require an impartial unrelated sample collector or adherence to a strict chain of custody.

Sample collections for informational tests can be performed anywhere, home, work, or a doctors office.  A home or private test is right for you if your needs are only for personal knowledge, as they cannot be used in court.

It is important to note that while our informational tests are labeled as Home DNA tests our Legal DNA tests can be administered in the privacy and comfort of your choosing, as long as the chain of custody guidelines are strictly followed.

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